Thursday, April 24, 2008

Noah is always Noah. Loves to have fun and is enjoying new yo-yo tricks he learned at a school assembly. He is doing very well with his grades at school. His favorite subjects are math and science. He is looking forward to summer, baseball and football next fall. He and Zac are among the tallest in the 5th and 6th grade. Noah is a leader of his team on the AAA Safety patrol which help out with drop off and pick ups at school and they help teach bus safety to younger children.

Changes for Torri are being inducted into the National Honor Society and she begins driver's ed tomorrow at 6:30am at school. She is looking into being accepted into a three week summer internship program with Teenmania at their headquarters in Texas working for them doing whatever needs to be done. She has picked her classes for her junior year of highschool which includes many college classes which count as credits for highschool and towards her associates degree. When she returns from Texas she plans on getting a job to raise up some money for a car, insurance, gas, etc. Wow, lots of changes since last year.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


This is me now, Zac with a Fro.

Other changes for Zac is that he is 6 inches taller (now 5'8") and his shoe size is a 14 (I think they are big enough now). He is doing OK in school, some classes are better than others. He enjoys hanging out with a couple of good friends from school. Baseball starts soon near the end of school on May 23rd, one of Zac's personal holidays. He is signing up for Football in the Fall as he enters 7th grade which is at the Middle School. The bus ride is long and is shared with the highschool because everyone is spread out in rural areas, it is 14 miles from the house. Zac has also been recently accepted to the junior mission trip with Teenmania to Tyler, Texas which will include an area VBS, homeless shelter, food bank distribution and overall missions trip training through Global Expeditions.

This is me in September.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Torri's Update

Hey Everyone!
This is Torri. Just wanted to update you on what is happening in my life. I was accepted into national honor society. I am also running for V.P. of the Esteem Team (a volunteer group for school) I am also plannning on going on a missions trip to Texas in June. I would appreciate any prayer or donations. I miss you all! Send me an email @ . I'd really like it!
Love ya!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

April, Yeah, Spring is on its Way!

Yeah, it's April! The snow is almost all gone from the yard, but the mountains are full of snow. The sun seems to be shining longer due to daylight savings, but at least the daylight hours seem to last later. Easter was early and cold this year, we had a quiet dinner with just us and my uncle and a cousin from MA. Torri woke up that morning with a very sore throat and a temp of 101.3 which by the next day turned into strept throat. Easter for her was spent in bed and not eating any chocolate or ham & potatoes. The rest of us went to church, Fred and I taught her preschool sunday school class which she teaches.
We all have been out in the yard raking, sweeping the driveway, and clearing out an area for a chicken coop the last couple of Saturdays. My mom and dad have been out burning brush in the backyard, next will be pruning the orchard trees. The yard is looking nice.
Fred and the boys have been brushing up on their baseball skills and even throwing the football around.
I measured Zac & Noah this morning and was surprised at how fast they are growing. Zac measured about 5' 8 1\2 " and Noah was 5' 4". Wow, it won't be long till I am the shortest one in the family. Next week is spring break for the kids, though it will just be Wed.-Fri. The last day of school is May 23 so they will be out before Memorial Day.

About Us

We are a family of 7 people(Tom & Paulette, Fred & JoAnne, Torri, Zac, & Noah; 2 dogs (Lita & Tojo); & 2 cats (George & Symba). We are sharing a home in a small rural town where not much goes on. My parents are retired and enjoy woodworking and gardining. Fred is working for a heating company working on gas and oil heating systems. Torri (11TH),Zac (7th), and Noah (6th) are all in school and for the most part doing well. I, JoAnne spend my time working at an infant room at the Snow College Child Care Lab,chauffering, and trying to keep in touch with distant family and friends.

Somethings you might not know?

Torri has been accepted into a special program at school where when she graduates from highschool she will have an associates college degree and a good size scholarship. She is currently taking her first college course, Psychology as a sophmore, and she is applying for national honor society. In February she is also in a drama competition, and a writing competion, next month she will be a part of the Spring Play at school.
Zac's favorite part of school is recess and hanging out with his friends. He is playing basketball with a town league, which is done pretty professionally with practice once or twice a week and a game on Saturday am cometing with other towns, he likes it a lot and is one of the tallest in the league for now at least. He is also part of a club that meets after school, and they are learning how to and putting together websites.
Noah is doing well in school, especially in Math. He also likes recess, they have 3 during the day, and is looking forward to playing either soccer or baseball in the spring and maybe football in the fall. He spends a lot of time perfecting his skills with video games, and is always up for a good board game.